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Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

FemiLift™ is an effective non-surgical vaginal treatment for stress urinary incontinence, vaginal laxity, and postmenopausal vaginal atrophy. FemiLift™ causes tightening of the vagina, a decrease in vaginal dryness and strengthening of the supporting ligaments surrounding the bladder and urethra. This can also benefit both the patient and her partner with increased sexual gratification.

FemiLift™ creates a controlled pattern of micro-wounds, patterned as pixels to stimulate the regeneration of collagen and elastin. Restoration of these important proteins is the key to restoring a youthful vagina with vibrant and healthy tissue.

The procedure consists of 3 treatments over 12 weeks, with a “touchup” one year later. The results are a noticeable tightening of the entire vaginal barrel for increased friction and pleasure during sexual intimacy. If utilized in a different power mode, FemiLift is also quite effective in reversing the atrophic effects of aging in the vagina.

FemiLift works via pulses of laser energy into the collagen layer of the vaginal mucosa, where concentrated thermal heating leads to collagen and elastin “shrinkage” and secondary regeneration, producing an increased resiliency of vaginal skin for about 12-18 months. The initial shrinkage and secondary regeneration may temporarily increase intra-vaginal friction and G-spot pressure. Tightening also occurs along the base of the overlying bladder, with evidence shows that it also improves the pesky problem of minor urinary incontinence.

  • Immediate Results
  • Fast, Safe & Effective
  • No Pain or Downtime
  • Improved lubrication
  • Decrease in infections, vaginal dryness, and urinary stress incontinence
  • Tightening of the vaginal tissues
  • Improved sexual intercourse

Using a unique vaginal probe, laser energy is delivered safely to the full circumference of the vaginal wall and along its full length to promote and increase collagen. There may be a little discomfort over the ensuing 24-48 hours, but patients can return to their normal activities immediately following the procedure. Patients are asked to refrain from sexual intercourse or placing anything in the vagina for 3-4 days.

Like other aesthetic laser treatments, FemiLift™ is easily performed during a brief office visit and is virtually painless. This procedure is also not covered by any traditional health insurance plans. However, for most patients, it is still much less expensive than surgical options (even with insurance coverage), and there isn’t any downtime.

For best results, a series of three treatments at about four-week intervals is usually recommended. Many patients do report positive changes from a single visit, but significant improvement is much more likely with a series of treatments. Most women will want an additional follow-up treatment at some point. Usually, one additional treatment done annually is sufficient to maintain vaginal health and keep the underlying condition under control.

By altering and rearranging collagen fibers, enabling the formation of elastin and better collagen formation, FemiLift can provide long-term reversal of the atrophic effects of aging on the vaginal walls.

Women with minimal to moderate vaginal looseness or laxity not severe enough to need a complete surgical repair (“Vaginoplasty”), but bothersome enough (less “grip,” too much “droop”) to diminish sexual pleasure and sometimes lead to modest urinary incontinence. Perfect candidates are:

  1. Women who have not yet had a child but either feel themselves “wide” inside or have a partner with a smaller-sized penis.
  2. Women with laxity after childbirth who plan on another child/children and need “temporary” tightening until their final childbirth, after which they may undergo a permanent surgical tightening procedure if the problem persists.
  3. Women who will undergo a Vaginoplasty (surgical tightening procedure) of the outer (lower) half of the vagina/vaginal floor, but also have noticeable widening in the far inner (upper) vagina (where a surgical pelvic floor tightening procedure traditionally cannot reach), which frequently occurs with a coexisting problem of occasional involuntary loss of urine, and who wish to avoid an in-hospital general anesthesia, which is sometimes risky for upper-vaginal repair.
  4. Women with mild urinary incontinence.
  5. Women with only modest vaginal laxity and decent musculature, who wish to avoid a surgical procedure.
  6. Post-menopausal women with dry, atrophic vaginal tissues.

Not Candidates:

  1. Women with a significant pelvic floor vaginal laxity involving significant widening and muscular separation; these women need a surgical repair and will be disappointed with a solely laser procedure.
  2. Women with significant urinary incontinence and/or prolapse; these women need a surgical repair/“sling” or “tape” procedure.
  3. Women with very tightened, atrophic vaginas; these women will first need to undergo re-estrogenization and mild mechanical dilation in order to physically accommodate the treatment probe.

Laser vaginal tightening should ideally be performed only by a physician who also is trained in pelvic floor muscle anatomy. A Board-Certified Gynecologist who is additionally skilled in cosmetic and plastic vaginal pelvic floor work and savvy in the usage of lasers for vaginal tightening is ideal, as he/she is uniquely able to choose the right procedure for the right patient for the right reasons and is less inclined to (mis)use the laser in women who truly need only pelvic floor PT or in women who truly need surgery.

Laser treatment for vaginal atrophic changes should be performed only by a Board-Certified Gynecologist who is well-versed in the issues associated with, and the alternative treatment modalities for, menopause

The FemiLift laser utilizes pixel CO2 fractional pulsed light wave technology as a cutting, tightening or resurfacing tool. In this instance, non-ablative laser waves exiting the tube 360° at closely spaced intervals “drill” microscopic, closely spaced micro-punctures 0.6 mm (600 microns) into the dermis, producing a mini-defect in the collagen that contracts, producing shrinkage (in proper power settings) and stimulating the collagen and elastin to grow, thus bulking and “rejuvenating” this layer. This technology has been utilized in Europe and Asia for more than 5 years, and a wealth of data has accumulated verifying its effects and success.

Present data suggest that, with 3 treatments over a 12-week time period and especially with a “touchup” after one year, the tightening and continence effects are experienced for up to 2 years.

This is new technology. Although it has been cleared by the FDA, FDA approval of “medical devices,” unlike medications, is a short and not necessarily exhaustive process. While it appears, from a limited number of studies, that both laser tightening and relief from vaginal atrophy accomplishes what it promises with little risk of harm, there really are no well-controlled long-term (over 2-3 years) studies like there are for surgical procedures. Surgery remains the “gold standard” for vaginal tightening, but laser treatment may offer benefits in certain situations (see above.) Vaginal estrogen therapy remains the “gold standard” for vaginal health rehabilitation, but there are situations where laser treatment may offer advantages.

“Over the last three months, I have received two FemiLift™ procedures for mild to moderate stress incontinence caused from childbirth and exacerbated by trail running. The procedure itself is short and pretty much pain-free. No real downtime. I felt a very mild burning sensation for about a day. This morning in order to give a really good assessment of how much improvement I’ve had, I drank two lattes and a glass of water, after a quick use of the bathroom went for a 2 1/2 mile trail run, jumping over small downed trees along the way. I did not have any real discernible leaking. I’d say I am 95% better than before. I am not yet sure of what my long-term maintenance will be. I am expecting to have one procedure again every 1-2 years. I would highly recommend this procedure to others. My results are quite remarkable!”


Billings Location

1655 Shiloh Rd Suite E, Billings, MT 59106

Bozeman Location

304 Gallatin Park Dr Suite 302, Bozeman, MT 59715

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